First to Contact:
- Ian Mulligan: UWaterloo : Digital History, @ianmilligan1
- Steve Randy Waldman, Interfluidity
- John Fea: Messiah: History, @JohnFea1
- Bruce Bartlett : Truth Matters, @BruceBartlett
- Lee Giles: Penn State: CiteSeer
- Tyler Cowen George Mason University, Economics
- Ethan Zuckerman: formerly MIT Media Lab
- David French: The Dispatch
- Jim Gerraghty
- Emma Green: The Atlantic: x-email-not-checked, @emmaogreen
- Jane Mayer: New Yorker x-email-not-checked, @JaneMayerNYer
- Krista Tippett, OnBeing
- Carol D. Leonnig, A Very Stable Genius, @CarolLeonnig,
- Substack: Chris Best: @cjgbest , Hamish McKenzie @hamishmckenzie , @SubstackInc
- Eric Lach: New Yorker: edits “The Current” online news and current events column, @ericlach
- Thomas Edsall: New York Times column
- Derek Thompson: The Atlantic & Crazy/Genius Podcast,
- Alexis Madrigal: The Atlantic (technology columnist)
- Jonah Goldberg: The Dispatch & The Remnant Podcast, @JonahDispatch
- Adam Davidson: NPR, Planet Money, New Yorker, @adamdavidson
- Nicholas Kristoff
- James Risen: The Intercept
- Megan McArdle: Washington Post, @asymmetricinfo
- Peggy Noonan: Wall Street Journal, @Peggynoonannyc
- Hacker News
- Babbage podcast: technology & science: Kenneth C.
- Skye Jethani
- The Browser: reach people who care about writing, discourse
- Ian Mulligan: UWaterloo : Digital History, @ianmilligan1
- Steve Randy Waldman, Interfluidity
- John Fea: Messiah: History, @JohnFea1
- Bruce Bartlett : Truth Matters, @BruceBartlett
- Lee Giles: Penn State: CiteSeer
- Tyler Cowen George Mason University, Economics
- Bob Garfield: , “American Manifesto”, at Politics and Prose
Washington Post:
- Ruth Marcus: Washington Post, @RuthMarcus
- Kathleen Parker: Washington Post, @kathleenparker
The Atlantic:
- Adrienne LaFrance: The Atlantic (executive editor): x-email-not-checked, @AdrienneLaF
- Jeffrey Goldberg: The Atlantic (editor): x-email-not-checked, @JeffreyGoldberg
New Yorker:
- Masha Gessen: New Yorker: Amherst email, Muckrack, @mashagessen
- Susan Glasser: New Yorker: x-email-not-checked, @sbg1
- Robin Wright: New Yorker x-email-not-checked, @wrightr
- Jia Tolentino: New Yorker: x-email-not-checked, @jiatolentino
- Osita Nwanevu: New Yorker: x-email-not-checked, @OsitaNwanevu
- Michael Luo: New Yorker: x-email-not-checked, @michaelluo
- Amy Davidson Sorkin: New Yorker: x-email not checked, @tnyCloseRead
- Jeannie Suk Gersen: New Yorker: x-email-not-checked, @JeannieSGersen
- Eric Lach: New Yorker: edits “The Current” online news and current events column, @ericlach
- Evan Osnos, New Yorker: @eosnos
- Dexter Filkins: New Yorker: x-email-not-checked
- Dorothy Wickenden : New Yorker (executive editor): x-email-not-checked
- David Remnick: New Yorker: x-email-not-checked
- Stephen Dubner, Freakonomics
Wall Street Journal:
- Peggy Noonan: Wall Street Journal, @Peggynoonannyc
- 6) research
The Dispatch:
- Jonah Goldberg: The Dispatch & The Remnant Podcast, @JonahDispatch
National Review:
- Richard Lowry
- Romesh Ponnuru
The American Conservative:
- Rod Dreher
New York Times:
- Paul Krugman: New York Times, @paulkrugman
On Being:
- Krista Tippett, Onbeing
Washington Post
- Megan McArdle: Washington Post, @asymmetricinfo
- Stephen Dubner
The Intercept:
- Jeremy Scahill: The Intercept (editor), @jeremyscahill
- Mehdi Hasan: Intercept. Host, Deconstructed podcast. Al Jazeera TV, @mehdirhasan
- Babbage podcast: technology & science: Kenneth C
Substack: Alternative Journalism
- Matt Taibi
- The Dispatch
Ideological Allies?
- Timothy Snyder: Yale: History, @TimothyDSnyder
- Jaron Lanier: Who Owns the Future
- Meredith Broussard: Machine Learning (Derek Thompson podcast), @merbroussard
Quote Sites:
- Quote Investigator
- No Sweat Shakespear
- Brainy Quote
- Good Reads
- Wisdom Quotes
- Quotes and Smiles
- Quotations Page
- Greatest Quotations
- Famous Quotes and Authors
Allied Projects:
- Nick Burris (Google) (UWaterloo)
- David Bokan (Google) (Twitter) (Github) (YouTube) (Aarticle)
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