Austin been posting nerdy WordPress stuff again.
WordPress can be configured as a standalone site or a multisite network. Ever since I wrote about Dynamically Load WordPress Database, I kept wondering if that method could be used to create a hybrid WordPress mode. After a weekend of exploring the idea I came up with an experimental new mode which I’m calling stackable WordPress.
Look at that. Just look at it. Nunc et hendrerit arcu. There is also the fact that I didn’t create any GUI.
Pellentesque at odio ornare, ultrices erat et, mollis nisl. Maecenas in commodo turpis. Curabitur a metus in odio facilisis luctus id ultricies ante. Sed rhoncus nulla massa, id luctus nulla blandit eget. Pellentesque faucibus nibh mi, et congue eros tincidunt eu. Mauris volutpat lobortis mauris et sollicitudin. Sed blandit dapibus dictum. Integer ut tempor magna. Vivamus sollicitudin mi at magna commodo, id dictum dui lobortis.