I forget who mentioned this. Um, it might have been Jay and Kev on Twitter, but he said every Western military
in the world needs to have a dedicated branch or a dedicated unit to fighting, uh,
disinformation from authoritarian regimes. This needs to be tracked, it needs to be identified, and we have to work with
companies like Google and Apple and Microsoft or whoever to stop this, because
it’s it’s not free speech. It’s not free speech when somebody can pay money to have tens of thousands of bots
spamming propaganda and a blatant lie. If Elon Musk wants to die on that sword and say that should be protected when it’s
killing us, like it’s killing our democracies and we need to have serious
conversations because that’s not free speech. And we have to put a stop to this.
I mean, I can give you examples, but it’s obviously you can if you have enough money.
And you know how you can brute force people into believing things that are obviously not true.
Scott Ritter
And if we want to be honest, the people who support Russia are all serious creeps and
losers. Scott Ritter is everywhere, all the time, and the guy’s a convicted child sex
offender like Steven Seagal. He looked pretty bad at Putin’s inauguration.
I saw the pictures and videos. Uh, so the human beings that.
Russia trots out to defend them. Uh, I don’t know how people connect with those people, but they have their audience, I
guess. Well, Packer, uh, did a fantastic episode of Vatnik Soup on, uh, Steven Seagal, and, uh,
and he sort of background in Hollywood. Not not apparently a really popular man, you know, even when he was, uh, not, uh, not
Relentless Argumentation
The success rate of trying to convince somebody who has fallen victim to Russian
propaganda is very low. The fact that in a comment section, like if I were to be able to sit down with them in a
coffee shop for an hour, I think I could convince them on a 1 to 1 basis. But in the comment section, if I wasted my time replying to them, trying to reach them,
it’s not going to happen. And I hate this, but the answer is just to be relentless and louder with my narrative to
exhaust them. Because I do think this has happened. I think in the last two years in the comment section, there were lots of people who were
pro-Russian. Uh, but I think they’re tired. Like, I think they’re sick of it.
When you look at how far the Russians have advanced in the avdeevka direction in two years, two years of fighting, hundreds of thousands of dead, and they’ve advanced 22km.
It is extraordinary, isn’t it? For for idiots who support Russia.
You know, every time they take one of these small villages like Ocarina or whatever, and they, you know, they it’s it’s like the fall of Berlin again.
And I’m like, you guys are losers. Losers. If you’re cheering on the capture of this village with a pre-war population of 500
people, I belittle them, I disparage them, I want them to feel like clowns and idiots for,
uh, following Russian disinformation and falling victim to this. And they don’t. They don’t have to flip.
They don’t have to become pro-Ukrainian, but they do need to shut the hell up. And they need to stop harassing people and pushing this narrative.
So if they just go away and be quiet, I’ll accept that. But yeah, I just have to be relentless with my narrative, with my my facts, my truth, my
evidence, my maps. And, uh, I’ve never wavered.
Russia is going to lose this war. And this is a fascinating question about winning, because, of course, a lot of the,
uh, a lot of the troll comments, a lot of the people who actually bought into Russian narratives, but who are trying to be genuine, all of them eventually pivot on this
idea that Russia has gained something somehow in the sum total of its aggressive war. It’s gained something.
When you look at it, though. I mean, they’ve trashed their economy. They’ve lost hundreds of thousands of people physically on a battlefield.
Millions of people have fled the country, some of their most talented and educated
people and the remaining population have lost whatever semblance of, uh, agency or
expression they might have had. Everyone is just sort of keeping their head down, not saying anything.
Russia has no future
Russia has no future. Demographically, they have no future young people, ethnic Russians.
I mean, there’s a high birth rate amongst minorities and people from the caucuses,
immigrants, Muslims. But as far as the orthodox ethnic Russians, they’re not having kids and they’re dying
The sum total of loss is huge, isn’t it? I mean, Russia has trashed its soft power, trashed its economy, and essentially it’s
busy trashing whatever it remains of its reputation.
Russia has no future – Ethnic Russians are in a demographic crisis
Russia has no future. Demographically, they have no future young people, ethnic Russians.
I mean, there’s a high birth rate amongst minorities and people from the caucuses,
immigrants, Muslims. But as far as the orthodox ethnic Russians, they’re not having kids and they’re dying
off. And. You know, their their culture of, you know, if toxic masculinity could manifest itself as
a sovereign state, it would be Russia. And I don’t think Russian women appreciate it.
You know, their husbands beat them or they’re abusive alcoholics. Like, why? Why are you going to have six kids?
I understand 100 years ago, that’s just what women accepted and did. But in the modern information age, when women can see how other women in other parts
of the world are living. No, they’re just protesting with their wombs, basically.
And ethnic Russians are going to die out as a response unless they change their society
Goal of Capitalism is Profits Regardless of Humanitarian or Environmental Cost
At the end of the day, Russia is using the foundations of capitalism against us. The goal of a capitalist is to maximize profits regardless of the humanitarian or
environmental costs. You shouldn’t. The only reason why you would factor in humanitarian or environmental costs is bad PR
that could hurt your business. If people are upset, you’re polluting a river. But in general, I mean, if your goal is to maximize profits, you don’t care if people
are suffering or dying. So the people still doing. Western companies still doing business in Russia.
They don’t. They don’t care how many people Russia kills, but when the money runs out, there’s going to be this downward spiral, this this avalanche effect where, yeah, they
get they get out of there because they’re not profitable anymore. And it’s a compounding effect that is going to crush Russia really abruptly.
Expropriating Property / Pinkwashing
And then what we’re also seeing, I mean, if you’re familiar with the story of Bill Browder and how his Hermitage book was stolen by bureaucrats, well, that’s now
happening to thousands of businesses where, uh, Z patriots, loyalists, scumbags will pay
an apparatchik to have them steal the business of somebody else.
And then, you know, that business owner will be kicked out or incarcerate or goodness even sent to the front. You’re seeing that same pattern of theft and illegality, uh, being
Banks opposed to Expropriation
hey don’t. They don’t care how many people Russia kills, but when the money runs out, there’s going to be this downward spiral, this this avalanche effect where, yeah, they
get they get out of there because they’re not profitable anymore. And it’s a compounding effect that is going to crush Russia really abruptly.
And I’ve only got a couple of questions sort of left. But I think what you’ve just said there leads naturally onto a topic which we’ve been
covering a lot on the channel recently, and this is taking those frozen assets and giving
them to Ukraine to hasten the Ukrainian victory. I’m assuming you’re for that measure.
How can we how can we normalize that? How can we make that more popular and acceptable?
Because those who go against it have, in my view, a lot of strong but spurious arguments.
What should we do? The the banks. The banks are against it. The banks don’t want the assets of a country or oligarchs or whatever being seized and
given to victims of war crimes, because then authoritarians around the world won’t want to
keep their money in Western banks. So the banks have been fighting this. They say, you can’t do this.
This would cause an economic calamity in your country, France, your country, Germany,
your country, the United States. If you start seizing dictatorship money, then other dictatorships will basically
trigger a run on the bank. You know, when you when you abruptly pull out tens of billions or hundreds of billions
of dollars, uh, I mean, given the nature of the fractional reserve system.
It’s your assets. It’s my assets. It’s the everyday American or Brit who will be caught up in these banks contracting.
Run on the banks. I mean, the last bank failure we had in the United States was two years ago, a year and a half ago, Silicon Valley bank, everyone was panicking.
Everyone was freaking out about Silicon Valley bank going under. And nothing came of it.
Everything stabilized. But take that event and magnify it by ten.
China is the Loser
Russia’s ruined all of this. Everything is being re-evaluated right now. And the biggest loser with relations with the West is China.
China has to be infuriated as they have their own plans, maybe for Taiwan in the
future. But the industrial base of the United States is being rebuilt.
Manufacturing lines that went cold decades ago for like Stinger missiles are now being fired back up again.
Uh, Europe is buying weapons like crazy. All of this could find its way to the Pacific Rim if China wants to try something
in the future. So China’s the the big loser here, but.
And of course, its Belt and Road Initiative. I mean, for those who say Russia is delighted at what Russia’s and so that China
is delighted what Russia is doing and that Russia is simply a Chinese proxy. I think you’re right there. It actually upends a lot of China’s long term plans.
I mean, the Belt and Road Initiative is not going to work if parts of Russia fragment
because there are key territories it actually runs through. Um, so that’s that’s incredibly important to note.
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