Cependant, selon le secrétaire général de Force ouvrière cheminots, Philippe Herbeck, interrogé par L’Express, « le but ce n’est évidemment pas d’aller jusqu’à Noël ». Il estime d’ailleurs que la « situation du pouvoir d’achat des Français fait que la grève ne pourra pas durer trois semaines ». Il mise pour sa part sur une mobilisation massive les premières 72 heures pour inciter le gouvernement à retirer son projet de réforme des retraites. Mais il annonce : « Nous ne lâcherons pas jusqu’au retrait ». Le bras de fer s’annonce long : Emmanuel Macron a pour sa part averti qu’il ne ferait preuve « d’aucune forme de faiblesse ». Il compte prendre toutes les mesures pour éviter le blocage total du pays.
Expert Perspective: The Growth of Dollar Stores
For a lot of consumers of all income groups, dollar stores have become a convenient go-to choice for picking up everyday products. A lot of dollar stores are located in rural areas where there isn’t a lot of choice and people would have to drive a fair distance to get to a larger store. Another reason is that consumers, ever since the economic downturn in 2008, are value sensitive. They’re careful about how they spend their money. Dollar stores are very good options for them to get really good value for the money on consumables, household goods and food, as well as some hardware and home improvement products.
Episode 21: ‘Fake Believe’
AI is enabling the creation of “Deep Fakes”:
Over several months, “The Weekly” embedded with a team of creative young engineers developing the perfect deepfake — not to manipulate markets or game an election, but to warn the public about the dangers of technology meant to dupe them.
How Should a Billionaire Behave in Public? A Run for President Is One Option.
Michael Bloomberg may join a 2020 field where some leading candidates are railing against wealth like his. It’s complicated.
So convoluted are the billionaire wars that on Friday, the Democratic primary descended into multibillionaire sniping: Mr. Steyer, seeking to distinguish himself from his would-be rival, called on Mr. Bloomberg to either support a wealth tax or sit out the primary.
Rasputin: full of ecstasy and fire
Although the international press speculated that Rasputin lent a hand in Russia’s slide to war in 1914, in fact he argued strongly against joining hostilities, and pacifism was an admirable constant in his world view. Here, as when he urged the Tsar in 1916 to make popular well-being his highest priority, Rasputin was quite often ignored when he gave good advice.
Rasputin: full of ecstasy and fire
Problem with quotation marks? “miraculous”
But the causes of Rasputin’s success also lie within the man himself. He may not have possessed supernatural powers, but he did have a compelling aura of sympathy, insight, vitality and inner strength. His “miraculous” healing of the haemophiliac Tsarevich Alexei can readily be explained as the power of calming words delivered at just the right moment in just the right tone.
Power doesn’t always corrupt ..
Power doesn’t always corrupt, and you can see it in the case of, for example, Al Smith or Sam Rayburn. There, power cleanses. But what power always does is reveal, because when you’re climbing, you have to conceal from people what it is you’re really willing to do, what it is you want to do. But once you get enough power, once you’re there, where you wanted to be all along, then you can see what the protagonist wanted to do all along, because now he’s doing it.
How to save capitalism from itself
Yet, while capitalism at last stands electorally victorious and philosophically without serious rival, its performance has become manifestly unsatisfactory. Its core credential of steadily rising general living standards has been badly tarnished: a majority now expect their children’s lives to be worse than their own. It is time for “The Future of Capitalism”. Unfortunately, nobody has yet successfully written that book. In its absence, I will try to weave something from the strands of recent contributions to the field.